Alexandra is an Apprentice Civil Engineer in Hyder Consulting (UK)’s transportation team based in London. She joined Hyder in August 2013 whilst studying for a Level 3 BTEC at The College of North West London.
I was always interested in the construction industry from a young age because of going to work with my father (a Quantity Surveyor) and being able to visit many different jobs. I would always be amazed by watching him and seeing how he would work. When I left school I was still determined to work within the construction industry but was unsure on what profession which led me to start college and study a Level 3 BTEC in the Built Environment. While doing this I also undertook site work experience on a large redevelopment project.
Within a short period of time, both my college course and work experience made me realise that I wanted to become an engineer. Once I had decided this I became extremely passionate about engineering. I loved the idea of being able to work with key pieces of infrastructure. I went to many different courses through ‘Budding Brunel’s’ which gave me all the information and guidance I needed to get my apprenticeship.
Since then I have been very fortunate to be able to share my passion for engineering through visiting schools and speaking with younger generations, as well as speaking on many panels about my experiences to large audiences.
As part of my apprenticeship I attend college one day a week and work the other four days. This is one of the main reasons why I enjoy my apprenticeship because the real learning and experience comes from inside the work place.
For the future I am looking forward to completing my apprenticeship and gaining as much experience as I can to become a Chartered Engineer.