
Agriculture may not be an obvious topic to include on a website dedicated to engineering education, but it is thanks to farming that the Rochester Bridge Trust’s work is able to happen.

More than 600 years ago, the people who established the Trust knew the importance of having money to pay for all the bridge works, and so they set up an estate. Much of the estate is made up of farm land, including Langdon Manor Farm in Faversham, which was one of the first properties to be donated to the Trust all those centuries ago.

It’s for this reason that this page of our activity section is dedicated to encouraging children to appreciate the variety and wonder of food.


Pumpkin activities

A section of autumnal family learning activities.

Strawberry punnet

Select the correct combination of strawberries for the supermarket shelves.

Fruit rainbow worksheets

Discover the diversity of fruit with help from a popular children’s story.

Fruit rainbow colouring

Create your own colourful rainbow using fruit.

Teacher/school edition

A more in-depth activity to be run as a full learning experience.

Seeds and germination

Learn how seeds grow into plants.