This summer, families are invited to enjoy a selection of free bridge building activities in Rochester Cathedral – and they all begin with a special Family Fun Day on Thursday, 1st August.
Provided by the Rochester Bridge Trust the activities are designed to inspire the civil engineers of tomorrow and will be offered alongside the bridge-themed adventure golf that will be hosted in the Nave of the Cathedral.
Activities will run daily from 10am until 2pm, and will include hands-on challenges to encourage children (and adults) to learn about bridges.
Education Officer Caroline Chisholm explained: “We are facing a shortage of engineers in this country and so the Trust is keen to do as much as possible to encourage young people to learn about bridge building and civil engineering.
“Adventure golf may seem an odd way of doing this, but each of the nine holes includes a different bridge that needs to be crossed – by making participants think about the challenges in front of them we aim to encourage them to also consider the difference bridges make in their own lives.”
Each hole is accompanied by a brief explanation of the bridge in question, building on the educational experience of the course. Participants can then end their visit with the additional activities, building bridges of their own.
The Family Fun Day launch event will feature junk modelling and building with straws; arch bridge building; the cantilever bridge challenge; and more.
Visit to find out more about the Trust’s engineering education initiative. The bridge-themed adventure golf will be open daily, visit for opening times.